请注意:lsamman的PK2, PK3, PK4和K的生日截止日期是12月31日.

Interested in joining Léman? 2024-2025学年的名额有限. Mid-year enrollment is available. Submit an application on Ravenna as soon as possible.

Applications for 2025-2026 are now open. To view upcoming tour dates, click here. Contact our Admissions Team with any questions.

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Camp Léman

Enrollment for Summer 2024 is open!

Ages 3 through 6th grade. 夏令营将于2024年6月24日至8月2日举行.

夏天是想象、创造、欢笑和玩耍的季节. 这也是孩子们冒险建立自信的理想时间, develop skills, and enhance learning.

在夏令营,不朽情缘是让夏天变得有意义和难忘的专家. As Lower Manhattan's premier day camp, 不朽情缘提供您所需要的一切,让您的孩子度过一个难忘的夏天.


Our action-packed program includes various sports in our gymnasium; outdoor play on our private rooftop and in neighborhood parks; varied specialty activities such as live animal shows, cooking, science, visual and performing arts, martial arts, and more!

每个小组都由一名有资格的老师领导,他监督着经验丰富、精力充沛的员工. 幼儿小组由受过培训的工作人员负责监督,这些工作人员了解不朽情缘最年轻的露营者的独特需求.




Please email Steve Levin如有任何问题或想了解更多信息,请与不朽情缘联系.

Make a Splash!

露营者可以在不朽情缘的室内温水游泳池游泳,教师与露营者的比例很低. 从教初学者的基本知识到为有经验的游泳者开发高级技能, we always ensure safety and enjoyment in the pool.

Make It Special!

不朽情缘各种各样的专业活动都是由教育工作者教授的, artists, and other professionals in their areas. 不朽情缘的首席辅导员是经过认证的教师,他们的创造力和多样性被选中. Days are filled with sports and outdoor play; art, science and cooking projects; group games and activities designed to challenge campers physically and intellectually. In addition to our rooftop playground, we plan to utilize nearby parks, plazas, 和其他有趣的地点在营地步行距离内,为露营者的日子增添了兴奋. No two days are the same at Camp Léman!

Make a Basket!

不朽情缘的体育项目充分利用了不朽情缘4600平方英尺的健身房. 营员们享受各种运动的指导和游戏,包括足球, tennis, basketball, gym games, and more! 不朽情缘的非竞争性方法鼓励所有人参与,同时为更熟练的运动员提供挑战. 必要时将利用一系列安全距离游戏和体育活动.

Make a Mess!

动手活动确保孩子们始终参与教育的乐趣. 不朽情缘创造了一个环境,鼓励孩子们冒险,离开他们的舒适区,因为他们探索新的领域和发展兴趣. 不朽情缘提供学习和快乐的完美结合,以确保夏令营始终是一个真正有益的经历. 不朽情缘也知道本学年有很多孩子在远程学习, 不朽情缘的员工会准备好让孩子们重新融入社会, 教室环境,让所有营员感到舒适.

Make Friends!

不朽情缘按年龄分组的营员大约有15人,由一位有资质的老师带领, 由其他熟练和经验丰富的员工协助. 不朽情缘在一个支持和培育的环境中专注于团队动态,使所有营员都能参与其中, unique and valued members of the community. 营员来自曼哈顿和布鲁克林各种各样的公立和私立学校. All are welcome at Camp Léman.

Make Memories!

每年夏天,营员们都会回来,积累在lsamman营地的经验. Theme weeks, special events, unique outings, our Little Buddies-Big Buddies program, incredible staff, 以及充分利用曼哈顿校区最先进的设施,所有这些都有助于让您的孩子度过一个成功的夏天!

Our Camp Director

营地主管史蒂夫·莱文(Steve Levin)在lsamuman担任了十多年的高级管理人员,并在纽约地区指导营地超过20年. 他拥有亨特学院的社会工作硕士学位, 曾担任福特汉姆大学社会服务研究生院的兼职教员, 并一直是地方和国家营地会议的演讲者和联合主席. “淡季”,他担任lsamman Plus课后计划的主任. 他的两个女儿都很开心,她们都是营地的校友,现在参加史蒂夫以前工作过的露营活动!

Health & Safety

不朽情缘全年的工作人员制定了各种关于健康监测的协议, 升级了通风系统和清洁系统, 并对不朽情缘学校周围的人流进行了各种修改. 不朽情缘营地的护士会监督社区的健康状况, 强烈鼓励工作人员和营员了解最新的COVID疫苗接种情况.

Enrollment Options

Full Day
(3 years old to 6th Grade)
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lunch and snack included.

Half Day
(3 - 4 years old)
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Lunch and snack included.

Week 1: June 24th-28th
Week 2: July 1st-3rd (No Camp July 4th-5th)
Week 3: July 8th-12th
Week 4: July 15th-19th
Week 5: July 22nd-26th
Week 6: July 29th-August 2nd

Costs vary depending on specific enrollment length. 请参阅本页顶部的报名表格了解更多信息.

More Information

Camp Léman runs from June 24th - August 2nd, 2024. 在3月14日之前注册,可以享受特别的早鸟折扣.


Steve Levin
Director of After-School and Summer Programs

Explore the Léman experience for your child.

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